Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring Fever

So there was an amazing storm today. It poured down rain and there was lots of thunder. The kind you only get in spring. The kind that makes you feel like your heart is melting and you want to sing and jump in puddles. I of course was stuck inside and it stopped raining before I could change into puddle jumping clothes. I used to work at a cemetery (one of my favorite, I was not a gravedigger, I was a landscaper) and I would love the rainy days because if your already soaked, there's absolutely no reason to attempt dryness, ergo puddle jumping is inevitable.

But my mind wanders. What today was for me was day 52 until paddling season starts. My best friends and I go canoeing/ kayaking on derby day. That's May 5....Cinqo de Mayo...WATER!!

Here's Rudy and I last year on the Elkhorn. I'm a little worried all the crafting I've been doing will be gone this summer.

I found this website, "Kula's Louisville Outdoor Areas" and want to explore all these places:
It was nice to find a site that mentions places close to Louisville to camp and canoe...usually I have to head east for all that. CRC and I are going to go hiking this weekend. I think we'll pick somewhere Kula suggests.

Speaking of water, I was sailing in a sea of buttons all evening.


maggie said...

ditto on the wonderfulness of that storm. did you hear the hail? guess who left their dog outside yesterday afternoon? yeah, me, mean dog mommy. somehow, maybee was just really happy to see me when i got home. i guess she didn't remember that it was me that put her out there.

also, ditto to paddling fever.

p.s. when you say 'my best friends and i go paddling' and because the link to my shop says 'BFF', my heart BURSTS WITH JOY.

groovyinclinations said...

Hey you look great on that river! What a fun time. We like to float the river it's so awesome! But, in Montana, we won't be floating and swimming until July!

great stuff!